I was recently interviewed by Amsterdam based journalist Natalie Dixon for an article published in the South African Mail & Guardian newspaper on the 14th of June 2016. The article titled “[De]colonising Design in Africa” explores some of the work South African designers are doing to decolonise both the academic curriculum and professional design practice in Southern Africa. The article can be read online here or you can download a pdf of the article here.
The Science of Slow Food
I was interviewed this morning on Radio Today by Gillian Godsell together with my co-researcher Dr. Naudé Malan from Izindaba Zokudla, and collaborators Geoff Green and Brian Dick from Slow Food Johannesburg. I discuss how as an industrial designer I ended up working on urban agricultural projects and how relevant they are for the South African context. You can listen to the 1hr 20min podcast here:
Milan & Food
In two weeks I head off to Milan to co-present a paper at the Cumulus Milan 2015: Virtuous Circle conference taking place from the 3-7 June. I will be presenting on a framework for socio-technical innovation that has been developed based on a current masters design research project undertaken by Peter Harrison, whom I am supervising. His project explores the development of a human-powered shredder for urban farmers in Soweto, South Africa. In addition to the paper presentation I will be representing both the UJ Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at the Cumulus General Meeting and the Design Society Development DESIS Lab that I coordinate at the the DESIS General Meeting. I will also be exhibiting at the Design to Feed the World Exhibition at Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, a seedling growing system that was developed together with UJ BTech Industrial Design student Jomari Budricks last year. At the exhibition we will be one of only two … Read More