Creativity and Artificial Intelligence – NAOInstitute symposium

Angus Donald CampbellDesign, Education, Innovation, Technology

NAOInstitute stands for the Natural, Artificial, and Organisation Intelligence Institute. These three facets represent the broad field of intelligence research, from biology and psychology, to sociology and business, to artificial intelligence and machine learning. The NAOInstitute hosts an ongoing series of informal symposia intended to bring intelligence research to the wider public in an easily digestible format. Each symposium has a single topic discussed by an expert panel, and an open Question and Answer session with the public. On 29 August 2024, the NAOInstitute will be exploring Creativity and Intelligence over a day-long symposium at the University of Auckland, OGGB 260-051. Just after midday, I am honoured to have been invited to be part of a panel at the symposium exploring Creativity and Artificial Intelligence. The other two panellists include Nan O’Sullivan, Head of the Design School at VUW and Dr Shahper Richter, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at UoA. Our … Read More

Health, Equality & Innovation – UTiM Keynote

Angus Donald CampbellDesign, Education, Innovation, Sustainability

I was honoured to be invited as a keynote speaker to the Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, to participate in a forum on “Health, Equality and Innovation: Paving the Way for a Brighter Future” on the 12 January 2024. With a focus on the 9th Sustainable Development Goal, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, my online presentation to the forum was on the following topic, “From Imagination to Innovation: Exploring the Boundless Possibilities of Creative Art Industries.” In the presentation, I explore the role of technology in extending human capabilities, but not as a means in itself. Rather, through the careful consideration of technology’s appropriateness for context can innovative and impactful outcomes be arrived at. The seminar recording, from the start of my presentation, can be accessed here: