A book chapter I co-authored with Naude Malan on iZindaba Zokudla: Conversations About Food has just been published by Routledge, UK!
“Public Interest Design Education Guidebook: Curricula, Strategies, and SEED Academic Case Studies presents the pedagogical framework and collective curriculum necessary to teach public interest designers. The second book in Routledge’s Public Interest Design Guidebook series, the editors and contributors feature a range of learning competencies supported by distinct teaching strategies where educational and community-originated goals unite. Written in a guidebook format that includes projects from across design disciplines, this book describes the learning deemed most critical to pursuing an inclusive, informed design practice that meets the diverse needs of both students and community partners.”
Our chapter explores a collaborative service-learning project undertaken between the University of Johannesburg Departments of Industrial Design and Development Studies in 2014. Department of Industrial Design, University of Johannesburg alumni Natalia Tofas‘s evaporative cooler and Jomari Budricks‘s seedling growing system both feature in the chapter; with a photo of Jomari undertaking a participatory design session in Soweto being featured on the cover of the book!
The book can be bought through the publisher: https://www.routledge.com/Public-Interest-Design-Education-Guidebook-Curricula-Strategies-and/Abendroth-Bell/p/book/9781138646650
or Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Public-Interest-Design-Education-Guidebook/dp/1138646652/