iZindaba Zokudla (Conversations about Food): Innovation in the Soweto Food System, a multi-stakeholder engagement research project, co-headed by Dr Naudé Malan of Department of Anthropology and Development Studies (UJ) and Angus Campbell of the Department of Industrial Design (UJ), will launch its first farmers school at the University’s of Johannesburg’s Soweto Campus on Saturday, 16 May 2015.
“In 2013, a series of workshops identified the need for increased training and knowledge generation for urban farmers and food producers. This is an important aspect of a sustainable food system. Food, and in particular its distribution and transportation, is a key contributor to climate change and we aim to counter this with the establishment of local food economies that produces food close to where it is consumed,” says Dr Malan.
He stressed that the creation of a local economy also holds potential to conserve and reinvest capital in our townships and this holds promise for an alternative approach to economic development that benefits food security.
The iZindaba Zokudla project is a joint initiative by the University’s Department of Anthropology; Department of Development Studies; Department of Industrial Design; Department of Business Management (Soweto programmes); Department of Graphic Design; Department of Multimedia Design; Department of Strategic Communications (Public Relations); the City of Johannesburg: Directorate Food Resilience; Region D Farmers forum; and the Meadowlands Agriculture Forum.
The project, a free service offered (with limited space) to all farmers in Soweto, started with urban farmers and gardeners in Soweto and is aimed at resource-poor, emergent, established and commercial urban farmers.
In 2015, the intended focus is on horticulture, developing appropriate technology and on establishing networks that can assist in developing viable and sustainable food enterprises.
Farmers can register for the Farmers’ School online.
Details of the iZindaba Zokudla: Farmers’ School Launch
Date: Saturday 16 May 2015
Venue: University of Johannesburg (UJ) Soweto Campus (SWC), Chris Hani Road Orlando
Time: 10h00-16h00
An exhibition by: UJ Industrial Design on Participatory Technology Development, UJ Graphic Design for Social Change, ENACTUS: Small Enterprise Development, UJ Community Engagement, City of Johannesburg Food Resilience Policies.
More information on the iZindaba Zokudla project: http://www.designsocietydevelopment.org/project/izindaba-zokudla/
Original article source: http://www.uj.ac.za/EN/Newsroom/News/Pages/UJ-food-system-in-Soweto.aspx